PEGASUS is a Cross-Track sensor that generates versatile imagery in 43 narrow channels inside a wide electromagnetic range covering the ultraviolet, visible and near, shortwave, medium and thermal infrared spectral regions. Its system core is its light capture device comprising a scanning mirror and the optic chamber where the detectors are conveniently arranged and cooled by Stirling fans. The spatial resolution of the images can be set from 2 to 6 meters per pixel, allowing their acquisition for local or regional works. The equipment is compact and lightweight, favoring a rapid deployment, but it has high discrimination power due to its exclusive feature of spectral band positioning.
This proprietary technology is based upon the vast experience of HytecAltoAmericas in hyperspectral imagery from TEEMS, the airborne 212-band sensor developed by Alto Technology Resources, Inc. (Houston, Texas) in the ’90s. HytecAltoAmericas‘ technical team used cutting edge algorithms to locate Pegasus’ 43 band centers over distinct spectral features of usual targets in mining, oil & gas, environment, etc. surveys.
The equipment is mounted over a state-of-the-art stabilization platform which compensates typical aeronautical yaw, roll and pitch in real time, preventing most of the geometric distortions generally perceived in aerial imagery.